About me
My first toe-dipping in the wine industry was in the Shenandoah Valley in western Virginia along the Appalachian Mountains, however, it was in Charleston, South Carolina where my passion for wine developed. Working way out of my depth in wine bars and retail shops allowed me to dive deeply into the bottomless rabbit hole of wine.
After two years in Charleston, I decided to work a harvest in Sonoma County (with the intention of returning to hospitality) to truly understand the world of wine that I had been simply reading about and not experiencing. Four harvests in Sonoma and one New Zealand harvest later, I couldn’t be happier with my decision to stay in production.
Though I love wine production, I can’t help but feel under-represented. Looking around and seeing very few people that look like me or have shared my experiences, but when I do see them, I am filled with pride. My intention to start my own business is not only to make wines that I am proud of, but to someday be the person that I would have wanted to see in the industry when I first started.
To me, community means a collection of people creating a comfortable space to co-exist, lift each other up, and support those around you. I have finally found my community thanks to so many helpful, considerate and accepting people.

There are too many people to name, but I want to especially thank Megan and Ryan Glaab, Amanda McKenna, Vanessa Mizla, Mike Lucia, Evan Lewandowski, Mike D, Sara “The Wordsman” Morgenstern and Sam Bilbro for all their help and support in making my dream come true